Opening: The cast members are holding tryouts but at first, they get a boring singer. Next, a kid shows up to audition but Bryan accidentally sets his soda can on the rejecting button. Then, Jamie Lynn Spear shows up and turns out to be very talented (She can shrink Shane to the size of a carrot!). So they pick her to be the new cast member.
Bridgett's Slumber Party: Bridgett (Chelsea) is getting annoyed by his little brother, Elliot (Kyle) so Bridgett decides to give him a girlfriend. Elliot picks a cute girl named Sandy (Shane) but the girls decide it should be this other girl named Kristen (Jamie).
Advice From The Old Lady in Shane's Mouth
Storytime with the Osbournes
Bucketman: Bucketman(Shane) must stop two robbers from robbing a jewel store.
Know Your Stars: Jamie Lynn Spears get insulted by the announcer.
The Old Lady in Shane's Mounth introduces the musical guest, B2K!
Musical Guest: B2K (""Why I Love You"")